Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years Eve Dance

Looking forward to ringing in the new year in Bakersfield (3rd Year) I've been a bit under the weather but I think I'm on the mend- Come on Out and see :) has the info

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Wishes

May the water the valley is getting, find it's way to storage/groundwater recharge and not too much to the ocean.
May the folks who've had weather and holiday dark classes and workshops find their way back to the hall (In the Whirlaways case the 2 new halls)
May the January classes succeed well, May the callers teach with patience, a sense of fun and camaraderie.
May these small miracles be blessed by the true miracle of CHRISTmas
Finally please no more illnesses and deaths in our SD community (I know they will happen-but a break would be nice)
God Bless

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fun and Flashback

I called a dance with Jay Henderson tonight at Whirlaways, It was a hoot with visitors from3 mountain clubs and from Visalia- also a couple who can no longer dance stopped in to say hi.
IT WAS A HOOT- It was new dancer focused and Jay and I agree we'll plan some more 2 caller events- Someone quipped "these are the folks who aren't mad at either of you"- Sad but sadly true statement- While some of the "baggage" dates back 20 years w/Jay, I'm just a 1 year rookie :)
3 words to those who wish to keep up grudges -GET OVER IT. My gosh you just might of had fun, you could've supported NEWER DANCERS and maybe,just maybe helped to re-build the sagging area- It's not too late- You don't have to dance to me, You don't have to dance to Jay-but soon you'll run out of callers to be mad at- If this keeps up there won't be any callers, as there will be no dancers.
Heck print this one for a meeting-It's been quiet lately :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dancers who Dance make great social friends

We had a great potluck today 100% in attendance were active dancers!! ( We do have occasional "alumni nites" or we go visit at the senior squares (I'll call 5-6 time a year) to see those friends who can no longer "keep up" but still enjoy a more relaxed form of Square dancing). The point is that our folks have kept dancing as the reason to get together. This is why this group has continued for (in various locations) for over 25 ++years. I hope that all have a Merry Christmas and I truly hope that ALL areas realize that actual dancing MUST be the glue that bonds us-if MWSD is to continue.
PS This Sunday group expands eff January to every Sunday (Except 3rd Sundays-No hall-Still working on that)- This is the second expansion in 18 months!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lynn's Surprise Party went GREAT

It was a GREAT surprise 50th for Lynn today- School Co-Workers, Family and Square dancers made it a great afternoon!! I hope all who attended had fun-Lynn did FER SURE.
Some SD folks stayed and attended Vic Ceder's Dance- also a success, now at the annual A2 potluck tomorrow- We're bringing leftovers HeHeHe
Next party is (Family) Cassie's' wedding-(SD) Mondays special w/Jay and New years Eve

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fun,Wet Trip

I was a hoot at Adobe Squares in NorCal, An above average crowd braved rain and wind to dance.
I enjoyed seeing enthusiasm with folks doing everything to fill the squares, no wallflowers and chatters.
I wonder how well the dance attendance would have been , had the 2010 monsoon not hit (The same one Central Cal is enjoying today/tonite)
I LOVE dances where dancing is the reason all are there-nice change of pace from lately (at home areas)

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I'm always glad to see folks reading the blog, still amused that some would rather make phone calls and talk trash, rather than clicking comment??
For the record, I'm in favor of what is beneficial to Square dancing and honest enough to discuss in public- Can You say that, or will you continue to gossip and talk trash. And yes this time I am talking about YOU, (notice I'm still not naming you as you named me but I'm tempted)
Don't wind up up being the captain and first mate of the Titanic, but you are sinking the SD ship

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Interesting Sad problem

I now have 2 clubs that have said "We'd rather go dark when you(Rick) are gone than to have _____________________ Now I realize I'm not too bad of a caller, BUT, 1) How bad were these subs? 2) How is it that these clubs have gotten so (for lack of a better word) picky?
Unlike some callers,me missing a weeknight is a RARE event- say 1-2 times a year.
I really am worried about the state of (Home areas) class/workshop nites- I know that folks are more "comfy" with the regular caller, but how do 1) newer callers get some floor time<> 2) How do older callers get so out of it-to upset dancers to the point of don't come back??
I was the regular sub for a particular group until "politics" had me stop being asked- Nothing to do with my calling/teaching, Now the same group will very soon have their "new regular sub" be unavailable, and seeing as how the Club caller misses quite a few times a year (8+) This will be a problem!!
-Now what will these 3 clubs do?- Go dark? (Bad idea during classes)
Memo to newer callers-Keep practicing, stop by for occasional guest slots
Memo to "older" callers-Look in the mirror, see what's wrong and fix it


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Rain vs Dance/Publicity

Well I'm really glad I had Friday off- The SD Party I had scheduled for Sat was moved to Fri.- and outdoors as well...........we got a little over an hour of dancing before the rush to get everything out of the rain- Fun, albeit, weird nite.

PS Note to publicity folks- Flyers are nice, especially if distributed to individual clubs!!
Stop by and announce stuff works even better. I'm doing 3 dances soon that I barely know about:)
Thanks "always the optimist"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Crowds are UP

Both The Monday (Whirlaways-Bakersfield) and Tuesday (Sequoia Squares-Visalia) have seen growth in the last few weeks. Thats good as we were starting to wonder :) Other Growth is that The Fresno area Plus (Folded a couple of weeks ago) is rising from the dead- New hall, closer to the Mountain folks who were the biggest supporters, and yet still a comfy drive from Fresno/Clovis/Madera, and just 15 minutes further from Visalia- Starts 2nd and 4th fridays in January- Wish us luck (shall we be called Phoenix squares?)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Various stuff

So is it nice to tell a caller (not me) 3 days before a gig that the gig has substantively changed , a mere 3 days before the gig, and only after the caller asked for info, as no one had called this caller-the contract was signed 2 years ago, by a still active member of the sponsoring group??
I went visiting the only remaining plus club in the Fresno metro tonite- It was nice to see a few old friends- The format was as follow Tip 1 for class-30 minute break to eat, Tip 2 for class-A costume show and 20 minutes later Tip 3-for class-a short teach tip- Then announcements, I called a "plus" tip, then folks started putting away the tables- followed by a 8 minute final "plus" tip
I hope all have a safe Halloween-be sure to dance somewhere this weekend and don't steal too much candy from the kids/grandkids.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wonderful vs sad

It's so nice to enjoy, young,new folks trying Square dancing and for the 4th year in a row for some. 100 some folks tonite and I'm doing again next year.
While I'm enjoying 2 good classes (by today's standards) the writing remains on the wall- If MWSD want people, the MWSD must change-not the other way around.
Meanwhile keep supporting and promoting Mainstream and New Dancer events in MWSD- that may save us for another year or 2- The rush to Plus has failed!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A slow painful death

Here's the buzz in the USDA area- (All quotes) "How's your group doing?.. ours is way down, we're losing folks and (THIS IS A QUOTE) some have lost it over the summer"
"If we don't start breaking even on dances, we're going to drop Saturdays"
"Why is there so much politics, why can't we just square dance?"
I've been trying to prevent the fate the VASD area suffered from happening in USDA thru subtle (and not so subtle) means over the last 4 years- It's not too late to fix it-but it's close!!
1-PUT DANCING as #1- that means stop worrying about the small stuff- I.E If food is a problem, quit serving it.
2-PRICE workshops/dances at a break even point- Most of Northern Ca, and East Coast successful groups it's 10/person
3-PUT DANCING FIRST- If one choses to spend most of their time in the kitchen "discussing how SD should go"- trying squaring up
4-Kudos to groups who dance over the summer (some for the first time) That will help in the long run!!!!
PLEASE don't let the Kern area go they way of the Fresno area
By the way if you want to discuss this- let's not print it out for a meeting- click comment

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Oakhurst is in the books

Wow What a wonderful FUN weekend in Oakhurst- Nice attendance ( I hope the folks who had to roll over get well soon-Cya Next year) Great Weather and always fun to work with my good friend Jet- Maryann and Brian added a lot of spark on the rounds and the Wiener/Marshmallow roast campfire afterparty was super- (Never hurts to have Jet sing a few with guitar)
Don't miss next yeat at this A2 weekend- Details very soon at my website.
Now Let's hope my 2 classes stay strong and look forward to a better SD season than last year.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Back to 110% busy

2 New classes in Progress, 2 Advanced groups, 1 new plus group- Festivals, Parties and Normal weekend dances- That's the schedule for this season- Fun! Hopefully their will be less political BS this season- Anybody care to take bets?

Friday, September 17, 2010

2010 classes

If you'll look at the comments on my last post-One struck me
-paraphased- we've danced before, we had "angels" but we're looking for friends otherwise we'll drop out again-
Now this stikes me in 2 ways 1) SD is a social activity, so make sure your "angels" are there to make friends-not just to get them thru-ALSO the "angels" (or in Central ca. the Club Members) don't sit and stare at new folks dancing-The new folks will wonder why "the club" is not dancing too-The new folks will wonder "Is it us?"
2) If other "club" activities (Such as RD) make it too tiring-perhaps these should be on a different nite
I was recently AMAZED by a scheduled 1/2 hour pre-rounds (early rounds for my East Coast readers) somehow got morphed into 2 1/2 HOURS?????????????????
I could not imagine how these folks were tired and reluctant to fill up another square
Dance/Class Sponsors MUST adhere to a predictable schedule -Be it an optional (not part of SD) co-event, then insure that the SD event doesn't suffer from the optional
OK I'm braced for the "Rick hates Rounds Crap"- NOPE I just think that co-mingled events must focus on whatever priority they wish (ever Heard of 2 1/2 hours of Pre-Squares before a RD party-Didn't think so)
Rick-Let's discuss not cuss

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New class

The first nite of the Visalia class had 9 new folks, 2 squares were dancing and 2 club squares sitting out (That drives me nuts-why show up to sit) I've always pointed to the bakersfield area to show that Club members have been up and dancing in Kern- PLEASE keep it up (although lately the trend has been swinging toward what has basically killed SD in the Fresno area- More chatting than dancing)- PLEASE don't let that happen-Please!!! I've seen it- So has Jay
Monday the Whirlaways class starts-I hope for a good turnout- I know that the club will do everything to make as many squares as possible.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Growth at a Festival-WOW

It was amazing to be part of a staff that made a huge increase in a festivals attendance- FUN weekend-Great to sing with Jon/Deborah and Nasser- We sold some pre-regs for the 2011 State Convention (in spite of none of us being on staff-You're WELCOME) and hopefully the 2011 ASD weekend will go well- I hope that the 2011 mix of callers (3 in state 1 out of state) will work as well as the 2010 lineup (1 CA 3 out of state) -It may not- I Suggest for the future that a 50/50 mix might be the way to go- 2 CA Callers (who call in MULTIPLE areas-In ca and beyond)- To promote the weekend and 2 Out of state "treats"- And a 3 caller lineup might even be better.
Comment below

Friday, September 3, 2010


Well my dental stuff is over and after 2 nites in socal- It's Festival time
Oxnard- details at my website- Jon and Deborah will be there (Nasser and I as well)
62 degrees this afternoon
So Fun, Cool Weather, fun dancing, great staff and a fabulous facility- Dancers will have a blast
See ya tonite

Friday, August 27, 2010


Please Put Jon Jones and Deborah Carroll-Jones in prayer.
Their daughter in law was killed this morning, They're flying home

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Getting (Slowly) Back to normal-attendance

It's been the dog days of summer (105-109 later today) so attendance has been as expected- I've noticed an uptick in former(area) dancers coming out to Visalia- From clubs long folded- Welcome!!
Bakersfield has had a nice array of visitors "sampling" our club and I look forward to having these nice folks become regular .............4 couples over a 2 month summer season- cool (wish they'd all been there on the same nite::))
Classes start soon for Mondays and Tuesdays-hopefully they'll be on the Uptick as well.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hope for tired clubs

Hey I saw the neatest solutions for "tired club syndrome" 1) (I have suggested this one) They turned it over to the caller-pressure's off and still dancing-albeit still struggling and 2) (Never thought of this one) The President serves for a MONTH- Then a new President.
Cool innovative ideas=saving what small MWSD is still going!!!- Maybe this will start the growing??

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fun Nite In Pismo-Curious about Tehachapi

It was a great nite in Pismo, Valley visitors as well
I am curious if the big rig fire on 58 hurt attendance at Tehachapi

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A daily dose of wit or humor

That does make sense- But I've no witticisms today- I will be calling in Pismo (Grover Beach) Tonite- That'll be fun

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A2 is Dark 8-22

Don't forget we're going dark Sunday to support the Cayucos weekend -Info for that
at just paste into your browswer

Monday, August 16, 2010


I love those who are using the comment tab...................anonymous said...It's getting pretty boring here lately! Haven't you ruffled any feathers in the past few days?..........FUNNY- Actually It turns out I don't have to do anything, The feathers get ruffled all on their own, Thats what happens when folks put things other than the "dance" first and spend too much time not dancing, just chatting-all nite long.
Now who am I talking about?.... A syndrome I see in all areas, 3 different areas just in the last 4 days-so it's not a personal attack on you-chill out!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fun Weekends

Hey I'm calling another anniversary tomorrow- Oakdale Squares- Aft A2 Evening Plus- come on out and DANCE- Pismo the Follow saturday Finally a "cool" gig.
I agree- sure haven't seen this much excitement in SD in a while-Thanks for commenting here!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thanks for Publicity

I am so grateful to the nice folks who crossed out my name and picture on the Oxnard Flyers.
Turns out enough were mailed in ( PAID PRESALES) that I'll be able to frame a few
There's lotsa room to Join Me (not sure how to cross that "Me" out) and Nasser Shukyar, Jon Jones and Deborah Carroll-Jones for a Fun Labor day weekend
Oh Yeah The presale is notably up!
Grow up Kids

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Let's Dance

Calling all A2 dancers who want to brush up for the various upcoming weekend- Stop by Clovis Tommorow or the 4th Sunday- Get the cobwebs off and have FUN at the Cayucas,Oxnard or Los Banos weekends-Details for the A2 and all other dances at my website

Friday, August 6, 2010

Finally a comment

I love this-
I think a Boycott is a great thing! That mean's that anyone who might detract from it being a fun dance will stay home. Guaranteeing for a more fun DANCE! What I hate is when they get tired of being out in the Cold and come back to be a wet blanket again!

Sums it up-

More parties

I just booked 2 more parties for the fall season- It looks like the economy is turning around-Yay
2 new classes start in Sept (Visalia and Bakersfield) so bring your buddies out to learn in a fun, patient,dance focused way and no yelling :)

Things are good, I really enjoyed the last email sent (not via the comments tab-of course) I don't think I've ever had my name mentioned so many times.- It says it's the last- about time

Monday, August 2, 2010

The comment tab

I'm amazed that folks will go out of their way to send emails to the masses but cannot simply click comment on this blog.
as far as the email question goes, I was bcc'd from 4 people to the address mentioned, I got an additional 5 questions-"Who's calling-It didn't say you?" hence a TON of inquiries-Bottom line, I've only once replied in public to this nice person, then only after our private chats were sent out-I choose to have a great feeling about the 7-8 squares who danced Sat.-I did notice one person who did not, and it wasn't medical
again comment here to discuss, or quit sending out I'm the victim emails- I don't.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fun Nite-Interesting question

A HUGE nite in Bakersfield- Biggest Plus dance in months and maybe the biggest dance.
Nice group, but I was truly amused by a question, and I quote "We've been told to boycott you, why?" Well I explained that a few folks don't care for anything other than the status quo and I'm trying to change our collective attitude for our future survival, so some still appear to be upset.-I also thanked him/her for coming out and asked "are you having fun?"- The answer was Yes.- Gotta love this shit

Friday, July 30, 2010

Party Season-Finally

I have gotten 7 inquiries for SquareDance Parties in the last 3 days-YAY
The economy must be getting better.
Looking forward to Sat In Bako, It looks like a good crowd

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Who's calling

I am
7/31 USDA 5th Sat dance
The email sent by the sponsors had omitted who was calling- I got TONS of inquires, I thought it was a whoops but the same folks who asked me- said we asked the sponsor (via email) and no answer- SHEEZ I thought my blog apology was enough, but stuff continues
I hope y'all come by Sat and dance- I suspect the 4 INDIVIDUALS who keep the BS going won't- COOL

Monday, July 19, 2010

Another Mainstream Success

I understand the 7/17 dance at JS went very well- COOL, It really looks like MS dances are becoming better attended than Plus- Perhaps it's the fact that it welcomes more folks-hence larger crowds, perhaps it's that folks are more comfy at this level- Either way-COOL- Hopefully the 4 MS Fridays scheduled will happen- I understand the hall has not yet confirmed-(See Norris Road Management change below as to why)
Looking forward the doing the USDA 5th Sat on 7/31-Hoping that the attendance of this Plus dance won't be a low as the last 2 area plus dances- some come on out!! and it wont be :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Good News-Mondays In Bakersfield

The "North Of The River" parks and rec took over operations of the Norris Road hall- so all Whirlaways events (save Saturdays) will be at the same Norris Road location as scheduled- Thru December anyway. I hope and pray the new district will allow us to continue, at no more than same rate that the JS pays after Dec.- otherwise we may have just put off the hall trauma, and may have lost the other hall. Cross yer fingers

Friday, July 9, 2010

Dog Days Of Summer

It's slow..................painfully slow..............but the few things going on have been GREAT 1) Over 30 Squares at an annual party I do-Year 4 is booked and did I mention all dancing were under 35? 2) Bakersfield Whirlaways are transitioning to a new hall, but can only dance twice in July in the temporary hall (that's the most summer dark nites since I've been there 3) Visalia is "stuck" with me for 2 more years- We signed the contract Tuesday- I'm also back with Skirts and Flirts and Whirlaways too! Finally I hope the Bakersfield Thursday class graduation wen't well!! I hope that all will Support their 7/17 dance- MS and Really Hope that somebody can find a hall for the 4 Friday MS dances scheduled with Whirlaways- Right now there's no hall to hold them
This next Sunday-Wed I am calling, a nice "almost" normal week

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Damn I'm guilty of what I hate

I fell into the crap that I hate. I put 2 and 2 together- from "dancer comments" and came up with 4- But 4 was not the right answer.
I will try to not listen to gossip, chatter and the like and never again blog based on that!!!
The Nice folks at Th Joaquin Squares did , in fact, annouce our last MS dance- The reason for so few JS in attendances remains a mystery but I screwd up- and I apologize.
Please tell ALL to attend July 17th MS w/ Steve Woodard- The info I did not have when I announced this event is at

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fun and Bummed In Clovis and stuff

The Early session (A2) was well attended in spite of travels, The Plus session was again cancelled for lack of atendees- I decided we'll go dark till September, but I'm not optimistic as most of the Fresno area Plus dancers quit when there Only club folded ( not for lack of money or members)
Bakersfield PAY ATTENTION PLEASE, We're losing 90% of the free halls and since we're not used (for the most part) to paying for halls- Clubs are downsizing and petty Bull#$%t from some are putting the Kern area on the same track that killed Fresno- Ask Jay- a receipent of the same BS for the last few years in Kern,Saw what happened to Fresno and someone who laments the loss of the club that gave up in Kern- Now I hope the new Lake Gig works-but it sadly may be too little too late-Meanwhile on the Valley Floor-I guess I've inherited the anger (ironically from new folks who said why are we angry at Jay and Mavericks) so the activity suffers again- We Did have double the attendance at MS than the rest of recent dances at plus-

Back in the swing

It's been a fun time at home (kinda) as well
Mondays have a new (temporary) hall and a good shot at a NICE permanent home.
Tuesdays have completed MS lessons and practice- MS certificates were given out and plus work continues.
Lynn and I had a fun SoCal trip at Cowntown and valley Trailers with a journey down 58 miles of Route 66
I had a great time In sacramento with the Whirlaways A2 on saturday- Then Tonight another HUGELY sucessful MS in Bakersfield- Bigger than the last 4-5 area Plus dances- I would've hoped the sponsors of the next MS dance would have had some folks out ( 4 people did attend-Regulars at my dances for years) or at the least told these few some info on their dance but I suspect most of the Actual Dancers didn't hear about tonite from those who make the announcements at that club- Oh well, we had a great crowd and the Whirlaways (and I) did our best to announce their next MS dance- Perhaps those who make the announcements at that club will publisize their own dance- WE DID
Gotta love the petty things right????

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


A Great weekend in Idaho- Nice Crowd- The festival made a few bucks and all were very happy!!!
Last nite I found out that we're losing the Monday hall- A good friend has steered me to 2 potentially new , affordable halls!!
Visalia Tonite- Chores Wed and down to Socal this weekend

Friday, June 11, 2010

Still On The Road

A FUN wrapup to the east Coast Swing- AceyDueceys was it's usual hoot and I found a parking place in front of the hall (Lower Manhattan NYC) for a great Time at Times squares- 1 day home and Hi From Idaho- Fun start and great hotel- Tommorow I do 2 sessions, afterparty and then home on Sunday, Then next week it's 4 calling days and 3 days OFF yay!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 5

WOW- a HUGE crowd to celebrate Hayloft's 50th- Also Tornado Watches, Massive Rain , Wind and Hail, Power flickering and a downed tree just outside the driveway- FUN Dance and we stayed dry.- Acey Dueceys-Albany on Monday, Times squares NYC on Tuesday- Fly home for a day and a half, then I'm in the air again to call the Idaho State Convention (wonder what the weather's like:)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 4- East Coast 2010

1000 miles in a rent car from Sucky Car rental (Thrifty) 3 more fun days, Thursday in Brunswick Maine was the best, most appreciative, and nice group I've called for in a long while- Plus the Dinner I was treated to was amazing- 2lb Lobster, Seafood Chowder, Caesers salad, Corn on the cob, 5 HUGE Prawns, and a bag of 30++ Steamer Clams-and Strawberry Short cake- Friday In Cape Cod was fun and a "caller" convention (7 or so in attendance) Tonight was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones in Kathonah NY in the HOTTEST Hall I've ever called in- 90+ degrees at the start-whew, Sunday in MA for a 50th anniversary in an AC equipped wood floor hall (Hayloft Barn)
G'nite from the Ritucci Inn and Suites

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

East Coast 2010 Day 1

After Great Flights and the worst Car Rental ever (Thrify sucks-extra undisclosed BIG charges and at midnite what do ya do) I had Dance # 1 in Colonie NY tonight- Awesome crowd including some 15 new dancers-YAY ....Thursday + Friday In Maine, Sat Back to NY, Sunday in MA, Monday back in NY and Tuesday in the "Big Apple"- Fun stuff, Then 1 day home and off to Idaho for the State Convention there, Then My new Class starts the day after in Bakersfield, Tuesday Visalia then 2 days with Family.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Floor sweeping

I got a comment from someone that mis-read the last post
I know the folded club did NOT quit about floor sweeping- The quote was from another club who doesn't want additional chores- re-read it and understand 1) Other clubs exist 2)I'm not "off base" at all
A Good Nite in Oakdale on Sat.- Way above average crowd,Good turnout on Sunday and visits from 4 former dancers who jus may start again-YAY
Now Next week it's off to the east coast and Idaho thru the 13th

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Why do folks complicate the simple?

In the Northern Ca. area, I found out that a festival (which had died) was re-invented to re-start and now it's been cancelled-AGAIN?? The irony is that the folks, had they made some minor adjustments a couple of years ago, The "Fun" weekend would be alive and well.
This is an example of why I get so worried that in the U area, I hear things like "our attendance is dropping we're going to have to fold" NONSENSE- Anything that draws over 1000 dancers in todays arena is doing something right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also have heard (In this particular festival the clubs share work, and benefit financially from the revenue) That ....and I quote "The Club who swept the floors folded- Our club is not doing it-we'll quit"- Sad but true.
I suggest that 1) the floor sweeping duty gets doled out to all clubs but if it's an issue that can't be reconciled 2) Have a scout troop, 4H, FFA or other youth group do it for a $500 donation .(That would actually be cheaper for the budget, help the youth and allow the folks to "do what they've done in the duty department"
I've seen so many weekends go away, so many clubs go away-often for complicated responses to simple fixes.
It is still about the Square Dancing? Right?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Good and Not So Good

The Solvang weekend went well, albeit not as much growth as we hoped-One more year and we'll decide if it's to continue- Sorta Good news
The Anniversary dance of a club in the USDA area was poorly attended, and this concerns me- This dance has been one of the larger dances in the years past- Now there was 1 square of that area dancers at Solvang, (Up from 3 couples last year) but that does not explain the dramatic drop in attendance- Not Good news I hope this was a fluke- Good Caller, lotsa food-just a crappy turnout- I promise to re-double my efforts to promote SD in this area!!
Now the Sunday Dance in the same area had a decent crowd (by that clubs averages) so that's good- The bottom line is between the 2 dances only some 7 squares attended
(Even if the area folks who were in Solvang had stayed home-it would've been 8 squares total-less than the single club anniversary dance had last year)
I wonder if, given the success of the last MS Dance in the are on 5/7, and the poor attendance of these 2 dances- Should Plus be the destination level?- In most areas on Earth (literally) MS is the level.
Comment Please

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A good Question Via Comments

I'm So Glad that someone via the comments asked a good question
"You do need to start posting the names of all the clubs and people you are talking about. Otherwise you do not look honest. Why not say who the people are, maybe they would have a change of heart. Or did this not ever happen? See what I mean?"

Rick sez- I DO see what you mean, I've always (for the 5 years I've blogged) tended to not name names- But I've recently learned that doing that can cause issues, I still wonder if naming names is a better way to help ALL not fall down the same path other groups have gone down.
I think in the future I will go back to naming AREAS but not specific clubs.callers or people- What do you think-
Here's a couple - In the VASD area a club is losing their caller, and thinking about going back to a previously fired caller- I Think that's a BAD Idea
In The USDA area There is a good track record of Mainstream Dances with multiple clubs sponsoring- That's a GOOD idea
PS to any Mavericks (Bakersfield area) I will buy your way in to the workshop in the next 2 weeks- To continue dancing, not lose insurance, and I'll be available to chat with anything you wish at 9:30 (If you dance- Please don't just show up to chat-Thats not the point

Friday, May 7, 2010

Have Fun

Hey Lotsa good dancing this weekend- Area info for the multiples area I call regularly in are at my homepage-lower left side, as well as nationwide info via some links- Pick a dance
Go to one and have FUN

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I'm curious that those who were upset of a post still haven't commented here( It's not needed to give a name if you wish)- Facebook and in a public meeting seems to be the way to comment? (I thought all agreed to not do that-Facebook anyway) The tragic situation of another club folding seems to have been lost in the political BS so again let's discuss here shall we?- My clubs are not folding- Hopefully the damning of my position (In favor of Dancing- against this BS) will motivate those in groups who have decided Political stuff trumps Square dancing to remember where they came from....A Caller Run Group converted to a club- 20 years of fighting with another club and voila- Folded, a couple of folks who were nurtured at my
class-who were not welcomed by the group-stayed in the activity -Thanks to me not allowing the host club to kick them out- Now these same nice folks forgot that gift and are calling me the jerk (so to speak). I don't regret fighting for them at the time but now-WOW

Monday, May 3, 2010

Irony about Clubs

I've never had the honor of being mentioned, cussed and discussed, with passion, at a meeting before.
I blog about the ENTIRE universe of Square dance issues here and the COMMENT link is for that- To comment.
My April 15th post was taken poorly by a few, and the few made public (in a meeting) their wish to see me not involved in that particular area's SD. Ironically the post I made (I don't name names usually) was about a combo of similar reasons for The Steppers Fresno area) and Silver Dollars (SF Valley area) folding- Not about the Bakersfield Mavericks but since it was brought up..................There was no reason not to at least give the Caller (In the case of the latter-JH) a chance to continue the group, seeing as how he started the club in the first place. I am sad that a public, unwarranted tirade at an open meeting forced me to "name names" especially since it wasn't you in the first place- Why not click comment this time????????????????
Bottom Line The Silver Dollars, Steppers and Mavericks all folded for no good reason-If nothing else the callers would have kept the dancing going-That is the important part-Right?????

Thursday, April 15, 2010


So the Ca State Convention went mostly well- a way better than expected attendance, yet a sound and floor hiccup cause many to complain-Justifiably so !! (Now I know some have to stick the company line-but If you admit the troubles-folks will be forgiving)
Now I hear from the caller- that another club, with plenty of money, has folded- No one wanted to be an officer (in this case 9 officers-HUH??) Why do the folks think you have to have such huge political structures?????- Naw it's better to fold-IDIOTS

Sunday, April 4, 2010

CA State SD Convention

Well I've been pushing this event for months, I've actually paid to attend (prior to this year callers were free as we "sang" for our supper:)) and I HOPE the new format works. I did note that 3 prominent folks on the committee were the 3 folks who killed the Fresno area festival (and most Fresno SD) off- So that irritates me- I thought this was a new format but hey let's be real.
Who are they?....well let's just say they're folks you NEVER see at dances- Unlike Most of the hard working, still square dancing committee members who (other than the 3) all deserve kudos and applause!!!!
Pictures of the Nixon Library event will be soon (hopefully) waiting on the photographer

Friday, April 2, 2010

Calling in Style

So I can now add calling in the East Room of The White House to my resume (OK it's the replica East Room at The Nixon Presidential Library) That was cool, I did dual Wedding DJ/SD Caller duties for a wedding in the White House (close enuf LOL)Now I'm officially a Presidential Class caller :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

I'm officially OLD

I've now been on earth over a half century, I hope I can remember how to get to the Kern County Fairgrounds to call the KickOff Dance for the Fiesta- Looking forward to dancing with Lynn all weekend-Hope to see you there!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

MS Bakersfield DanceShop is a Fond Memory

Well the 3 weeks are up, and we had such fun and made great progress in ensuring that
the folks will not get "kicked in the ass" at Fiesta- Now the group still has work to do on a few calls, but most importantly we built CONFIDENCE and gave the RECOVERY tools needed to suceed at a California MainStream hall(Fiesta in this case)-They're looking forward to it and some are looking to attend the State Convention as well-Now sadly -I can't believe how close the majority of these kids were to qutting- Complaints (about the class they started with) ranged from "The caller doesn't answer questions" to "How come 2 hours at DanceShop seems short, when after a half hour at class we want to leave" to my SAD favorite (I mentioned 1 particular class is dark this week-Not that the sponsors bothered to tell the folks who missed).......When I annouced they were dark, From the floor in a loud voice "who cares we don't learn a damn thing there"- The rest of the gang nodded in agreement- How in the hell do some of these clubs expect to retain new dancers??????????? Or are they on a whining death wish?- I suspect that the latter is closer to the truth

Friday, March 5, 2010

Staying Positive

I'm POSITIVE that the folks making a 3 hour round trip to get proper instruction should not have to (I'm glad they're coming down) I'm also POSITIVE that these folks (numerically the majority of this particular club) deserve better. I'm also POSITIVE that this club will fold unless the the "political types" get their head out of dark places. I'm also POSITIVE that won't happen without some folks quitting MWSD- Finally I'm POSITIVE that this is POSITIVELY a bad thing
Caller Run groups are the only future-CERTAINLY
PS it was a fun nite for all-I hope they don't quit dancing

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fun and Bummed

A GREAT weekend for dancer success- The Friday MS Danceshop in Bakersfield was well attended, with the largest group coming from a club whose president said "no one will pay ten bucks"- and threw the flyers away -GET A CLUE, The Clovis Danceshop expansion was great- Lotsa fun and good full speed progress at both!!!!!
Bummed.........................I got an AARP card in the mail

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fun A2 in Fremont

It's 4:55am, just got home from the bay area- A FUN nite with Advanced squares and some great friends -Especially Zak & Lynn, Eric & Jenn and even Charlie ($15 cover charge at the afterparty-Thanks "buddy" aggghhhh) Serously it was a GREAT nite- Long foggy drive home

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

DanceShop Expands

The Clovis Plus DanceShop is now 2x per Month- On the 2nd and 4th Sundays, 5:30-8pm
The Bakersfield 3 week DanceShop-MAINSTREAM starts a week from Friday, for 3 consecutive weeks.
I'm excited at this re-bound in Central California Square dancing
-It was a good weekend

Friday, February 5, 2010

Square dancing is seeing an upward trend

The Do-cee-Drama in some areas, which is working out just fine, has also created a "bump" in progress in the other 5 areas I call in
YAY Square Dancers win- Classes are up (especially in the OC) and , as I mentioned to another "reluctant to upset the politicos caller" tonite (on the phone) We have more folks to Square dance, none are running for any SD office
All's good tonite- I saw my grandkid who can (almost) sit up now- 5 1/2 months old

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

All can Now Comment

Hi all
I've permissioned the blog to take "anonymous" comments- I would appreciate you signing your name but not need
A GREAT workshop tonite- Good A2 workout- We've not had a full 2 hours at Full speed A2 in a while.
The MS Danceshop 3 Fridays seem to be well recieved- A few questions on the pricing, but frankly that's what it costs to do these 3 weeks ($10/person per nite- $8/person in all 3 weeks are pre-paid)- Welcome to 2010 ::))
I'll see YOU soon

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mainstream Dancing off life support

A good reason to take a public stand is to do what's right.
MS Dancing has come out a huge WINNER in the area, The politics have mostly subsided and all's well (except the one nay vote from an unexpected group- What in hell??- The other groups with "concerns" at least did the right thing-to abstain) But a win is a win and the winners are NEW DANCERS, MS Dancers and Recent Drop-outs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now Let's get these newer kids and less secure ones and recent drop-outs "polished" up for Wing Ding, Fiesta, State and all the other wonderful dances that await them- Including dances the one club will host-Yeah the Nay club- Still I must ask "what the hell?"

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Opps I forgot # 5

There is one other group which will benefit
The Fiesta MS hall
(see below)

Buzz for MS

I'm really glad to see folks stepping up and realizing that without MS there is no MWSD- The area has scheduled some MS dances (down the road) and the 3 week MS blast Danceshop is getting a whole lot of interest
So who will benefit from my "nudge" 1) Newer Dancers who likely would have quit 2) Former dancers being able to re-enter the activity 3) Any Club who runs a class- especially a January Class

Oh Yeah- For the record I did not suggest the dropping of any dance program at any festival- It is a really funny rumor though-Y'just had to be there tonite for my reaction hehehehe

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Plus will save Fresno-MS will save Bakersfield

At my Sunday workshop today- all agreed that the Fresno Area is almost DOA- the only hope we have here is a re-invigoration of the few folks (Plus dancers) and if that works- a re-build of the MWSD
Bakersfield has not gone a far down this path YET- The MS stuff will prevent so much of what has literally killed Fresno
It's now up to dancers-Will The Fresno folks support a Plus "down" re-build?? Will the Bakersfield folks not make the same mistake?? Lord knows I've gone out on a limb for this- I just hope dancing wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS a GREAT afternoon A2 thing today

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I have 2 true phobia's- 1) Blood tests 2) Driving while it's snowing
Thanks To Wes for helping me by calling a party in the high sierra's last nite.
There was no way I could have made the trip in the snow (Yep I'm a wuzz)
The Church had a great time, and I'll be back up there in July
Tonight I'm off- A2 tomorrow and then a normal week of workshops.
Oh yeah one of the clubs which sponsored the MS dance in Nov- had to have a sub on the first nite of their new class-Not me, but Rod- He did a great (as always) job- as for me.....It'll be awhile before their prez talks to me- ahhh doceedrama

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Update on MS

Well, the situation is that 1) I'm no longer the "sub" for a club-OFW 2) Two of the 4 people involved have made peace and we're (I was always) friends again 3) The SV Callers association has 3 MS blasts scheduled-Prior to the local Festival 4) The Club I'm no longer the "sub" for-Damn near had no caller for the first nite of class 5) Both of the intial clubs involved have scheduled MS dances
So The "less confident" MS Dancers WIN and I am VERY GLAD about that-
BTW I wonder what would have happened if the "First nite of class" was cancelled tonight over this BS (and snow) I'm VERY GLAD it was not- The future? may be different- Some "politicos" would rather go dark than look out for the new kids- Ironically- These "politicos" we're about to get thrown out of my summer workshop- Had I not gone to bat for them!!! Truly No good deed goes unpunished- But Who cares- I don't care they're upset- I do care the MS dancers will suffer OFW

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

MS BS Update

Well the MS dances previously mentioned are still on hold-awaiting political approval- The lack of a free hall seems to be holding them up as well. Till JUNE........that's 7 MONTHS between dances............What really cracks me up is that of the very few political types(4 people) who got upset by my pointing out the idiocy of this- 2 of them don't realize that when their class wen't dark for 3 months- I had to go to bat to let them stay in my summer program,the club wanted to ask them to leave and I (with my club only reluctantly agreeing after I took a stand) I lowered the level to accommodate them- Sheez they would have quit that year- I do not regret that (OK maybe just a little:) . I'm glad they danced for a couple of years before losing them to the dark side SD politics-where little Square dancing occurs. I wonder how many of the 7 squares we had at the November MS dance will be casualty's. I wonder if I'd be better off to shut up and take the money (Callers do that)- The answer is No- I do have to look in the mirror.