Thursday, January 28, 2010

Opps I forgot # 5

There is one other group which will benefit
The Fiesta MS hall
(see below)

Buzz for MS

I'm really glad to see folks stepping up and realizing that without MS there is no MWSD- The area has scheduled some MS dances (down the road) and the 3 week MS blast Danceshop is getting a whole lot of interest
So who will benefit from my "nudge" 1) Newer Dancers who likely would have quit 2) Former dancers being able to re-enter the activity 3) Any Club who runs a class- especially a January Class

Oh Yeah- For the record I did not suggest the dropping of any dance program at any festival- It is a really funny rumor though-Y'just had to be there tonite for my reaction hehehehe

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Plus will save Fresno-MS will save Bakersfield

At my Sunday workshop today- all agreed that the Fresno Area is almost DOA- the only hope we have here is a re-invigoration of the few folks (Plus dancers) and if that works- a re-build of the MWSD
Bakersfield has not gone a far down this path YET- The MS stuff will prevent so much of what has literally killed Fresno
It's now up to dancers-Will The Fresno folks support a Plus "down" re-build?? Will the Bakersfield folks not make the same mistake?? Lord knows I've gone out on a limb for this- I just hope dancing wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS a GREAT afternoon A2 thing today

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I have 2 true phobia's- 1) Blood tests 2) Driving while it's snowing
Thanks To Wes for helping me by calling a party in the high sierra's last nite.
There was no way I could have made the trip in the snow (Yep I'm a wuzz)
The Church had a great time, and I'll be back up there in July
Tonight I'm off- A2 tomorrow and then a normal week of workshops.
Oh yeah one of the clubs which sponsored the MS dance in Nov- had to have a sub on the first nite of their new class-Not me, but Rod- He did a great (as always) job- as for me.....It'll be awhile before their prez talks to me- ahhh doceedrama

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Update on MS

Well, the situation is that 1) I'm no longer the "sub" for a club-OFW 2) Two of the 4 people involved have made peace and we're (I was always) friends again 3) The SV Callers association has 3 MS blasts scheduled-Prior to the local Festival 4) The Club I'm no longer the "sub" for-Damn near had no caller for the first nite of class 5) Both of the intial clubs involved have scheduled MS dances
So The "less confident" MS Dancers WIN and I am VERY GLAD about that-
BTW I wonder what would have happened if the "First nite of class" was cancelled tonight over this BS (and snow) I'm VERY GLAD it was not- The future? may be different- Some "politicos" would rather go dark than look out for the new kids- Ironically- These "politicos" we're about to get thrown out of my summer workshop- Had I not gone to bat for them!!! Truly No good deed goes unpunished- But Who cares- I don't care they're upset- I do care the MS dancers will suffer OFW

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

MS BS Update

Well the MS dances previously mentioned are still on hold-awaiting political approval- The lack of a free hall seems to be holding them up as well. Till JUNE........that's 7 MONTHS between dances............What really cracks me up is that of the very few political types(4 people) who got upset by my pointing out the idiocy of this- 2 of them don't realize that when their class wen't dark for 3 months- I had to go to bat to let them stay in my summer program,the club wanted to ask them to leave and I (with my club only reluctantly agreeing after I took a stand) I lowered the level to accommodate them- Sheez they would have quit that year- I do not regret that (OK maybe just a little:) . I'm glad they danced for a couple of years before losing them to the dark side SD politics-where little Square dancing occurs. I wonder how many of the 7 squares we had at the November MS dance will be casualty's. I wonder if I'd be better off to shut up and take the money (Callers do that)- The answer is No- I do have to look in the mirror.