Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years Eve Dance

Looking forward to ringing in the new year in Bakersfield (3rd Year) I've been a bit under the weather but I think I'm on the mend- Come on Out and see :) has the info

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Wishes

May the water the valley is getting, find it's way to storage/groundwater recharge and not too much to the ocean.
May the folks who've had weather and holiday dark classes and workshops find their way back to the hall (In the Whirlaways case the 2 new halls)
May the January classes succeed well, May the callers teach with patience, a sense of fun and camaraderie.
May these small miracles be blessed by the true miracle of CHRISTmas
Finally please no more illnesses and deaths in our SD community (I know they will happen-but a break would be nice)
God Bless

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fun and Flashback

I called a dance with Jay Henderson tonight at Whirlaways, It was a hoot with visitors from3 mountain clubs and from Visalia- also a couple who can no longer dance stopped in to say hi.
IT WAS A HOOT- It was new dancer focused and Jay and I agree we'll plan some more 2 caller events- Someone quipped "these are the folks who aren't mad at either of you"- Sad but sadly true statement- While some of the "baggage" dates back 20 years w/Jay, I'm just a 1 year rookie :)
3 words to those who wish to keep up grudges -GET OVER IT. My gosh you just might of had fun, you could've supported NEWER DANCERS and maybe,just maybe helped to re-build the sagging area- It's not too late- You don't have to dance to me, You don't have to dance to Jay-but soon you'll run out of callers to be mad at- If this keeps up there won't be any callers, as there will be no dancers.
Heck print this one for a meeting-It's been quiet lately :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dancers who Dance make great social friends

We had a great potluck today 100% in attendance were active dancers!! ( We do have occasional "alumni nites" or we go visit at the senior squares (I'll call 5-6 time a year) to see those friends who can no longer "keep up" but still enjoy a more relaxed form of Square dancing). The point is that our folks have kept dancing as the reason to get together. This is why this group has continued for (in various locations) for over 25 ++years. I hope that all have a Merry Christmas and I truly hope that ALL areas realize that actual dancing MUST be the glue that bonds us-if MWSD is to continue.
PS This Sunday group expands eff January to every Sunday (Except 3rd Sundays-No hall-Still working on that)- This is the second expansion in 18 months!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lynn's Surprise Party went GREAT

It was a GREAT surprise 50th for Lynn today- School Co-Workers, Family and Square dancers made it a great afternoon!! I hope all who attended had fun-Lynn did FER SURE.
Some SD folks stayed and attended Vic Ceder's Dance- also a success, now at the annual A2 potluck tomorrow- We're bringing leftovers HeHeHe
Next party is (Family) Cassie's' wedding-(SD) Mondays special w/Jay and New years Eve

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fun,Wet Trip

I was a hoot at Adobe Squares in NorCal, An above average crowd braved rain and wind to dance.
I enjoyed seeing enthusiasm with folks doing everything to fill the squares, no wallflowers and chatters.
I wonder how well the dance attendance would have been , had the 2010 monsoon not hit (The same one Central Cal is enjoying today/tonite)
I LOVE dances where dancing is the reason all are there-nice change of pace from lately (at home areas)

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I'm always glad to see folks reading the blog, still amused that some would rather make phone calls and talk trash, rather than clicking comment??
For the record, I'm in favor of what is beneficial to Square dancing and honest enough to discuss in public- Can You say that, or will you continue to gossip and talk trash. And yes this time I am talking about YOU, (notice I'm still not naming you as you named me but I'm tempted)
Don't wind up up being the captain and first mate of the Titanic, but you are sinking the SD ship

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Interesting Sad problem

I now have 2 clubs that have said "We'd rather go dark when you(Rick) are gone than to have _____________________ Now I realize I'm not too bad of a caller, BUT, 1) How bad were these subs? 2) How is it that these clubs have gotten so (for lack of a better word) picky?
Unlike some callers,me missing a weeknight is a RARE event- say 1-2 times a year.
I really am worried about the state of (Home areas) class/workshop nites- I know that folks are more "comfy" with the regular caller, but how do 1) newer callers get some floor time<> 2) How do older callers get so out of it-to upset dancers to the point of don't come back??
I was the regular sub for a particular group until "politics" had me stop being asked- Nothing to do with my calling/teaching, Now the same group will very soon have their "new regular sub" be unavailable, and seeing as how the Club caller misses quite a few times a year (8+) This will be a problem!!
-Now what will these 3 clubs do?- Go dark? (Bad idea during classes)
Memo to newer callers-Keep practicing, stop by for occasional guest slots
Memo to "older" callers-Look in the mirror, see what's wrong and fix it
