Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Interesting Sad problem

I now have 2 clubs that have said "We'd rather go dark when you(Rick) are gone than to have _____________________ Now I realize I'm not too bad of a caller, BUT, 1) How bad were these subs? 2) How is it that these clubs have gotten so (for lack of a better word) picky?
Unlike some callers,me missing a weeknight is a RARE event- say 1-2 times a year.
I really am worried about the state of (Home areas) class/workshop nites- I know that folks are more "comfy" with the regular caller, but how do 1) newer callers get some floor time<> 2) How do older callers get so out of it-to upset dancers to the point of don't come back??
I was the regular sub for a particular group until "politics" had me stop being asked- Nothing to do with my calling/teaching, Now the same group will very soon have their "new regular sub" be unavailable, and seeing as how the Club caller misses quite a few times a year (8+) This will be a problem!!
-Now what will these 3 clubs do?- Go dark? (Bad idea during classes)
Memo to newer callers-Keep practicing, stop by for occasional guest slots
Memo to "older" callers-Look in the mirror, see what's wrong and fix it


1 comment:

  1. Age Old Problem. Comes from Dancers Expecting the Caller to Entertain instead of the Dancing!My favorite Dance is still an Amateur Night and the most fun tip was a guy who couldn't carry a tune in a bushel basket and swallowed his words. As Dancers tried to guess what he said they started dancing what was guessed. I guess you could call it shooting from the hip and having no idea what they were shooting at!
    Never laughed so hard in my life!
