Monday, March 28, 2011

Wet and Weird Fun Weeks

We've been getting soaked for a couple of weeks- Too bad there's no more storage so most is off to the ocean. Anyway The Fiesta turned out well- and a small increase in attendance. and COLD and WET.
This last week was monsoonal drives and over the weekend a first- Never been bumped from a hall for a crab feed before-weird. The alternate hall was set up for Hamlet and we danced around the staging.
Now it's sunny and supposed to be 75 by Wednesday- Goofy Weather

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Note to Self

OK I am going to help out a caller and club this Saturday-I will sub for the caller and insure that the club has a great dance- But what a Pain in the ass-doing this favor-The drama of "who's in charge" I accepted the gig with the president, We both though all was well-then the political drama started- Finally after I called back and said if this is a problem, I'll not do the gig (president again)-Now the Cuer (why this fool was involved escapes me) and the VP finally realized that the PRESIDENT had hired me to fill in-Now all seems well (It is just Monday hehehe)
NOTE TO SELF- Next time I have a rare Saturday off- Take the day off- If asked to sub-just say no!