Monday, May 24, 2010

Floor sweeping

I got a comment from someone that mis-read the last post
I know the folded club did NOT quit about floor sweeping- The quote was from another club who doesn't want additional chores- re-read it and understand 1) Other clubs exist 2)I'm not "off base" at all
A Good Nite in Oakdale on Sat.- Way above average crowd,Good turnout on Sunday and visits from 4 former dancers who jus may start again-YAY
Now Next week it's off to the east coast and Idaho thru the 13th

1 comment:

  1. Way above average Crowd! I have come to the conclusion that like the people who do the Crossword Puzzle in the Paper, we have only the Puzzle People Left, and they use Rounds to do their dancing!

    30 years ago, Figures were married to Singing Calls like Cues are married to Round Dance Songs. People knew the figure and it was well practiced like Round Dance Cues! You didn't have to hear every word out of the callers mouth and you could enjoy the song!

    Now it's Think, Think, Thing, and Run, Run, Run! Square Dancing has turned into the Wonderful World of Puzzling!

    It's no wonder we have Square Dancing thrown into the trash instead of enjoying the dancing!
