Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I'm curious that those who were upset of a post still haven't commented here( It's not needed to give a name if you wish)- Facebook and in a public meeting seems to be the way to comment? (I thought all agreed to not do that-Facebook anyway) The tragic situation of another club folding seems to have been lost in the political BS so again let's discuss here shall we?- My clubs are not folding- Hopefully the damning of my position (In favor of Dancing- against this BS) will motivate those in groups who have decided Political stuff trumps Square dancing to remember where they came from....A Caller Run Group converted to a club- 20 years of fighting with another club and voila- Folded, a couple of folks who were nurtured at my
class-who were not welcomed by the group-stayed in the activity -Thanks to me not allowing the host club to kick them out- Now these same nice folks forgot that gift and are calling me the jerk (so to speak). I don't regret fighting for them at the time but now-WOW


  1. Since I don't live in a Glass House, or have a club other than one of strickly friends I guess I can spout all kinds of stuff!
    While I can't prove it I feel I was Submarined 10 years ago to kill my Clubs. Either I was Submarined, or learning A makes you dumb as a doornail! Big Treasury's, 32 people in class, a caller willing to call for free, and they Shut the Doors!
    No Super Club developed like they thought it would with me out of the road!

  2. You do need to start posting the names of all the clubs and people you are talking about. Otherwise you do not look honest. Why not say who the people are, maybe they would have a change of heart. Or did this not ever happen? See what I mean?
