Thursday, April 15, 2010


So the Ca State Convention went mostly well- a way better than expected attendance, yet a sound and floor hiccup cause many to complain-Justifiably so !! (Now I know some have to stick the company line-but If you admit the troubles-folks will be forgiving)
Now I hear from the caller- that another club, with plenty of money, has folded- No one wanted to be an officer (in this case 9 officers-HUH??) Why do the folks think you have to have such huge political structures?????- Naw it's better to fold-IDIOTS

1 comment:

  1. Never Known a Club to fold because it ran out of money. I have heard of one that the treasurer had to pay the last $10 out of his pocket. Even heard of officers who spent every last time and resigned in mass, and it didn't kill the club. I have heard of several with big bank accounts, and dancers and a Hall and a Caller willing to call for free and they still closed the doors! Such is Life!
