Monday, January 31, 2011


Funny how all (the few politicos and suck up callers) that swear that there is no boycott of callers or clubs so often get caught-sheez people Do you really think that actual pro-square dance folks don't talk.
Keep it up and you will kill SD in YOUR area. I'm saddened that folks who don't much dance do so much damage.


  1. Tis a Sad Fact of life! It's like Global Warming, they will never say we made a mistake! Just wait another Million Years and it will happen!
    Fact of life! Forcing Square Dancers into one Club will not create a Super Club. Just Hiring the best Caller in the world can't entertain all the different desires and capabilites in one Hall!
    I know we love to see Big Dances because that makes the Caller Money and pays all the Clubs Bills!
    Variety is the Spice of Life! Take away that Spice because you want this and don't want that, and you have Square Dancing today! Add a spice you like but others don't, they won't eat it!
    As long as Power and Money is involved things get messy!
    My solution! I don't need the money! I'm going to do my thing and my friends are welcome to join me!

  2. Rick is really one of the few trying to keep square Dancing alive in the Bakersfield area.We're so disgusted we're thinking of quiting.

  3. One of the Problems we have is dancers would rather leave than fight. Support Your Local Caller! We need tougher skined dancers. Callers have been doing to much of taking it on the chin without the support of the dancers!

  4. For goodness sakes DON'T QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    There are so many weekends,caller run groups and other NO BS zones- Don't Quit

  5. Find a Fun Caller and Support them!

    Rick is a good first stop!
