Sunday, October 10, 2010

A slow painful death

Here's the buzz in the USDA area- (All quotes) "How's your group doing?.. ours is way down, we're losing folks and (THIS IS A QUOTE) some have lost it over the summer"
"If we don't start breaking even on dances, we're going to drop Saturdays"
"Why is there so much politics, why can't we just square dance?"
I've been trying to prevent the fate the VASD area suffered from happening in USDA thru subtle (and not so subtle) means over the last 4 years- It's not too late to fix it-but it's close!!
1-PUT DANCING as #1- that means stop worrying about the small stuff- I.E If food is a problem, quit serving it.
2-PRICE workshops/dances at a break even point- Most of Northern Ca, and East Coast successful groups it's 10/person
3-PUT DANCING FIRST- If one choses to spend most of their time in the kitchen "discussing how SD should go"- trying squaring up
4-Kudos to groups who dance over the summer (some for the first time) That will help in the long run!!!!
PLEASE don't let the Kern area go they way of the Fresno area
By the way if you want to discuss this- let's not print it out for a meeting- click comment


  1. After being on vacation and sampling all the things that we can buy for entertainment. I enjoyed meeting a Square Dancing Friend at Walmart when I got home more than any entertainment on the trip. Sharing what I had done and what I had seen!
    Square Dancing is indeed Friendship set to Music! Nobody else in Walmart was going to want to be part of my life! Met one at Target before I left and had to stop and share what was going to happen! To bad we let the moves get in the way!

  2. New dancer, just started in September - taking beginners class, and just signed up for 2nd session of an ABC class. Sad to read about all the politics, hope there is still lots of dance choices around for me for a good long while.

    Any advice for the newbies?
