Thursday, October 28, 2010

Various stuff

So is it nice to tell a caller (not me) 3 days before a gig that the gig has substantively changed , a mere 3 days before the gig, and only after the caller asked for info, as no one had called this caller-the contract was signed 2 years ago, by a still active member of the sponsoring group??
I went visiting the only remaining plus club in the Fresno metro tonite- It was nice to see a few old friends- The format was as follow Tip 1 for class-30 minute break to eat, Tip 2 for class-A costume show and 20 minutes later Tip 3-for class-a short teach tip- Then announcements, I called a "plus" tip, then folks started putting away the tables- followed by a 8 minute final "plus" tip
I hope all have a safe Halloween-be sure to dance somewhere this weekend and don't steal too much candy from the kids/grandkids.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wonderful vs sad

It's so nice to enjoy, young,new folks trying Square dancing and for the 4th year in a row for some. 100 some folks tonite and I'm doing again next year.
While I'm enjoying 2 good classes (by today's standards) the writing remains on the wall- If MWSD want people, the MWSD must change-not the other way around.
Meanwhile keep supporting and promoting Mainstream and New Dancer events in MWSD- that may save us for another year or 2- The rush to Plus has failed!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A slow painful death

Here's the buzz in the USDA area- (All quotes) "How's your group doing?.. ours is way down, we're losing folks and (THIS IS A QUOTE) some have lost it over the summer"
"If we don't start breaking even on dances, we're going to drop Saturdays"
"Why is there so much politics, why can't we just square dance?"
I've been trying to prevent the fate the VASD area suffered from happening in USDA thru subtle (and not so subtle) means over the last 4 years- It's not too late to fix it-but it's close!!
1-PUT DANCING as #1- that means stop worrying about the small stuff- I.E If food is a problem, quit serving it.
2-PRICE workshops/dances at a break even point- Most of Northern Ca, and East Coast successful groups it's 10/person
3-PUT DANCING FIRST- If one choses to spend most of their time in the kitchen "discussing how SD should go"- trying squaring up
4-Kudos to groups who dance over the summer (some for the first time) That will help in the long run!!!!
PLEASE don't let the Kern area go they way of the Fresno area
By the way if you want to discuss this- let's not print it out for a meeting- click comment