Hey I saw the neatest solutions for "tired club syndrome" 1) (I have suggested this one) They turned it over to the caller-pressure's off and still dancing-albeit still struggling and 2) (Never thought of this one) The President serves for a MONTH- Then a new President.
Cool innovative ideas=saving what small MWSD is still going!!!- Maybe this will start the growing??
How about Clubs Not Charging for Visiting Guests. Forget the Treasury! Cost per month is divided up by members to pay their share!
ReplyDeleteI know House Guests and Fish start to stink after 3 days! If you show up 4 dances you are no longer a guest so pony UP you live here! Or, don't come back!
Put out a Tip Jar for extra good calling, or call it the Yellow Rock College Fund! If there not that good they could use a little help!
I always say if the Caller's not that great, clap louder! They might get excited and do stuff they didn't know they could do!
I agree clubs MUST base budgets on members divided by fixed costs (Caller/Hall/VERY light refreshments)- Extras like cuers and meals need to be budgeted for specific events-and the extra "visitors" would pay the additional costs.
ReplyDeleteYes some fish stink only after a day :)
Rick H
To many Clubs give a discount for members! Therefore people join clubs to get cheaper dancing! While it might bring up the number of people who show up (because to enjoy the cheap dancing you have to show up more often) They really don't have the best interests of the Club at Heart! Only the Cheap Dancing!
ReplyDeleteI think it would be better if people Belonged to a Club because it's where their heart is not their Cheap Entertainment!
When I invite a friend for Dinner at my house I don't give him a Check after the meal! Is your Club a Restaurant or is it your HOME?