Friday, August 27, 2010


Please Put Jon Jones and Deborah Carroll-Jones in prayer.
Their daughter in law was killed this morning, They're flying home

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Getting (Slowly) Back to normal-attendance

It's been the dog days of summer (105-109 later today) so attendance has been as expected- I've noticed an uptick in former(area) dancers coming out to Visalia- From clubs long folded- Welcome!!
Bakersfield has had a nice array of visitors "sampling" our club and I look forward to having these nice folks become regular .............4 couples over a 2 month summer season- cool (wish they'd all been there on the same nite::))
Classes start soon for Mondays and Tuesdays-hopefully they'll be on the Uptick as well.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hope for tired clubs

Hey I saw the neatest solutions for "tired club syndrome" 1) (I have suggested this one) They turned it over to the caller-pressure's off and still dancing-albeit still struggling and 2) (Never thought of this one) The President serves for a MONTH- Then a new President.
Cool innovative ideas=saving what small MWSD is still going!!!- Maybe this will start the growing??

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fun Nite In Pismo-Curious about Tehachapi

It was a great nite in Pismo, Valley visitors as well
I am curious if the big rig fire on 58 hurt attendance at Tehachapi

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A daily dose of wit or humor

That does make sense- But I've no witticisms today- I will be calling in Pismo (Grover Beach) Tonite- That'll be fun

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A2 is Dark 8-22

Don't forget we're going dark Sunday to support the Cayucos weekend -Info for that
at just paste into your browswer

Monday, August 16, 2010


I love those who are using the comment tab...................anonymous said...It's getting pretty boring here lately! Haven't you ruffled any feathers in the past few days?..........FUNNY- Actually It turns out I don't have to do anything, The feathers get ruffled all on their own, Thats what happens when folks put things other than the "dance" first and spend too much time not dancing, just chatting-all nite long.
Now who am I talking about?.... A syndrome I see in all areas, 3 different areas just in the last 4 days-so it's not a personal attack on you-chill out!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fun Weekends

Hey I'm calling another anniversary tomorrow- Oakdale Squares- Aft A2 Evening Plus- come on out and DANCE- Pismo the Follow saturday Finally a "cool" gig.
I agree- sure haven't seen this much excitement in SD in a while-Thanks for commenting here!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thanks for Publicity

I am so grateful to the nice folks who crossed out my name and picture on the Oxnard Flyers.
Turns out enough were mailed in ( PAID PRESALES) that I'll be able to frame a few
There's lotsa room to Join Me (not sure how to cross that "Me" out) and Nasser Shukyar, Jon Jones and Deborah Carroll-Jones for a Fun Labor day weekend
Oh Yeah The presale is notably up!
Grow up Kids

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Let's Dance

Calling all A2 dancers who want to brush up for the various upcoming weekend- Stop by Clovis Tommorow or the 4th Sunday- Get the cobwebs off and have FUN at the Cayucas,Oxnard or Los Banos weekends-Details for the A2 and all other dances at my website

Friday, August 6, 2010

Finally a comment

I love this-
I think a Boycott is a great thing! That mean's that anyone who might detract from it being a fun dance will stay home. Guaranteeing for a more fun DANCE! What I hate is when they get tired of being out in the Cold and come back to be a wet blanket again!

Sums it up-

More parties

I just booked 2 more parties for the fall season- It looks like the economy is turning around-Yay
2 new classes start in Sept (Visalia and Bakersfield) so bring your buddies out to learn in a fun, patient,dance focused way and no yelling :)

Things are good, I really enjoyed the last email sent (not via the comments tab-of course) I don't think I've ever had my name mentioned so many times.- It says it's the last- about time

Monday, August 2, 2010

The comment tab

I'm amazed that folks will go out of their way to send emails to the masses but cannot simply click comment on this blog.
as far as the email question goes, I was bcc'd from 4 people to the address mentioned, I got an additional 5 questions-"Who's calling-It didn't say you?" hence a TON of inquiries-Bottom line, I've only once replied in public to this nice person, then only after our private chats were sent out-I choose to have a great feeling about the 7-8 squares who danced Sat.-I did notice one person who did not, and it wasn't medical
again comment here to discuss, or quit sending out I'm the victim emails- I don't.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fun Nite-Interesting question

A HUGE nite in Bakersfield- Biggest Plus dance in months and maybe the biggest dance.
Nice group, but I was truly amused by a question, and I quote "We've been told to boycott you, why?" Well I explained that a few folks don't care for anything other than the status quo and I'm trying to change our collective attitude for our future survival, so some still appear to be upset.-I also thanked him/her for coming out and asked "are you having fun?"- The answer was Yes.- Gotta love this shit