Monday, July 19, 2010

Another Mainstream Success

I understand the 7/17 dance at JS went very well- COOL, It really looks like MS dances are becoming better attended than Plus- Perhaps it's the fact that it welcomes more folks-hence larger crowds, perhaps it's that folks are more comfy at this level- Either way-COOL- Hopefully the 4 MS Fridays scheduled will happen- I understand the hall has not yet confirmed-(See Norris Road Management change below as to why)
Looking forward the doing the USDA 5th Sat on 7/31-Hoping that the attendance of this Plus dance won't be a low as the last 2 area plus dances- some come on out!! and it wont be :)

1 comment:

  1. In Love with the NAME! People still treat Plus as Special Calls. Like they are sacred or something. And, they love to use the Plus Wall! They feel it gives them the right to be rude and obnoxious to keep people out of the sacred Club!
    Mainstream isn't something special and before I ever heard of a Mainstream Club, or a Plus Club we knew some of the Plus, and not all the Extended basics.
    The second you have to identify what your club dances it means you looking for dancers someone else has taught
