Friday, March 5, 2010

Staying Positive

I'm POSITIVE that the folks making a 3 hour round trip to get proper instruction should not have to (I'm glad they're coming down) I'm also POSITIVE that these folks (numerically the majority of this particular club) deserve better. I'm also POSITIVE that this club will fold unless the the "political types" get their head out of dark places. I'm also POSITIVE that won't happen without some folks quitting MWSD- Finally I'm POSITIVE that this is POSITIVELY a bad thing
Caller Run groups are the only future-CERTAINLY
PS it was a fun nite for all-I hope they don't quit dancing

1 comment:

  1. I'm Glad You Got that figured out! I was getting worried you weren't going to!

    I'm Positive that the average American is just not Positive enough, and it's good to see at least one Positively is!
