If you'll look at the comments on my last post-One struck me
-paraphased- we've danced before, we had "angels" but we're looking for friends otherwise we'll drop out again-
Now this stikes me in 2 ways 1) SD is a social activity, so make sure your "angels" are there to make friends-not just to get them thru-ALSO the "angels" (or in Central ca. the Club Members) don't sit and stare at new folks dancing-The new folks will wonder why "the club" is not dancing too-The new folks will wonder "Is it us?"
2) If other "club" activities (Such as RD) make it too tiring-perhaps these should be on a different nite
I was recently AMAZED by a scheduled 1/2 hour pre-rounds (early rounds for my East Coast readers) somehow got morphed into 2 1/2 HOURS?????????????????
I could not imagine how these folks were tired and reluctant to fill up another square
Dance/Class Sponsors MUST adhere to a predictable schedule -Be it an optional (not part of SD) co-event, then insure that the SD event doesn't suffer from the optional
OK I'm braced for the "Rick hates Rounds Crap"- NOPE I just think that co-mingled events must focus on whatever priority they wish (ever Heard of 2 1/2 hours of Pre-Squares before a RD party-Didn't think so)
Rick-Let's discuss not cuss