Thursday, April 15, 2010


So the Ca State Convention went mostly well- a way better than expected attendance, yet a sound and floor hiccup cause many to complain-Justifiably so !! (Now I know some have to stick the company line-but If you admit the troubles-folks will be forgiving)
Now I hear from the caller- that another club, with plenty of money, has folded- No one wanted to be an officer (in this case 9 officers-HUH??) Why do the folks think you have to have such huge political structures?????- Naw it's better to fold-IDIOTS

Sunday, April 4, 2010

CA State SD Convention

Well I've been pushing this event for months, I've actually paid to attend (prior to this year callers were free as we "sang" for our supper:)) and I HOPE the new format works. I did note that 3 prominent folks on the committee were the 3 folks who killed the Fresno area festival (and most Fresno SD) off- So that irritates me- I thought this was a new format but hey let's be real.
Who are they?....well let's just say they're folks you NEVER see at dances- Unlike Most of the hard working, still square dancing committee members who (other than the 3) all deserve kudos and applause!!!!
Pictures of the Nixon Library event will be soon (hopefully) waiting on the photographer

Friday, April 2, 2010

Calling in Style

So I can now add calling in the East Room of The White House to my resume (OK it's the replica East Room at The Nixon Presidential Library) That was cool, I did dual Wedding DJ/SD Caller duties for a wedding in the White House (close enuf LOL)Now I'm officially a Presidential Class caller :)